Why are you not healing?


 Recently Dr Mark Hyman posted this on his Instagram...

"Most people don't talk about how your spirit, emotional health, your beliefs can actually help determine so much about your health.

Your thoughts, your feelings, your emotions, your beliefs literally communicate with every aspect of your biology, every second."                      ~ Dr Mark Hyman

If you believe and deeply trust that a certain treatment, supplement etc will not help then it won't and if you believe it will, then you are on your way to better health.


The placebo effect is real. Many people do not realize how powerful their minds are and how it basically conditions every aspect of their lives and how they respond to the world.


Our emotions are such an important factor of healing.

So many different emotions get stored in the body. Fear in the kidneys, grief in the lungs and pain in the heart. Low self esteem in the gut/stomach area and stress in our adrenals, to mention just a few organ associations. It is vital to deal with trauma when it occurs, to feel all the feelings and investigate the thoughts and beliefs you have and form around events in your life because they become the lens through which you see the world and that shift in energy is what you continue to attract to your world. And you judge everyone and everything from this new viewpoint, that was created by your trauma.  Your perceptions are a mirror of your internal emotions, thoughts and beliefs.

What you believe about yourself, your world and others helps create a world in which that belief system gets validated. You have the power to change your beliefs and your thoughts. It takes effort at first because we have become accustomed to our thoughts running us instead of us running our thoughts and the same goes for our emotions. We also live our lives so attached to our beliefs. They change so much over a lifetime that it seems crazy to become attached to them.

We tend to respond emotionally and thoughtlessly to a lot of the situations in our life without paying attention to the impact it has on our being.

It is time to consider healing your wounds, becoming the master of your mind and truly investigating where your beliefs come from. You may discover that they aren't yours at all (the beliefs, thoughts) but someone else's that you decided to own and live your life as if they are factually yours and real.

There are many modalities available to help you heal your emotions, take charge of your thoughts and shift your beliefs, so that they are more in harmony with your spirit. I invite you to start investigating what may be the best modality to help you become the beautiful, healthy and happy being you deserve. It is your birthright to be abundant, healthy, happy and to share that with the world.

I love meditating and doing my own self healing and energy balancing and I practice mindfulness so that I may find the emotions that are locked in my system as well as the thoughts and beliefs that have formed around them. I do this so that I can heal and be more loving and caring and have more clarity, so that I don't spew my pain all over the world and cause more trauma for anyone else.

You may not be healing a persistent issue due to the fact that you have some underlying emotional trauma or thoughts and beliefs that are prohibiting the total release of energy there. Some people have identified themselves with their diagnosis and/or they may be receiving attention that they desperately seek and desire and therefore they continue to hold unto the ailment. (these are some possibilities)

Many of the reasons why we don't heal are things we don't want to look at or change.

Ask yourself, am I willing to heal, change and let go of that which has brought me to the imbalance, this particular point in my health, or not?

It takes courage to say yes and then act. And it is with courage that we change our lives, our health, our thoughts, our beliefs and eventually our world. Be courageous.



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