Why I love genetic testing and the ONE company I love and use


I personally use the 3x4 blueprint to enhance my health practices.

I look at it to help me formulate better activity and exercise programs for myself. It has answered many questions about why I am still not feeling vibrant and healthy despite doing all the "right" things etc. I now know why I still get headaches and some GI distress, why I need detoxification support and what foods are of the highest benefit to me personally.

I highly recommend adding this information to your tool box for your health now and for continued health in the future. 

AND remember your genes are NOT your destiny and they can certainly help you be better equipped and informed about your genetic weaknesses and how to modify those expressions.

Why is it beneficial for your health to get a 3x4 genetic blueprint today?


And this short video explaining the ease of doing this genetic at home swab.


And here is a very detailed discussing on your genes and weight:


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