The Best herbs for lung health


Written by: The Lost Herb with Nicole Apelian.

Our lungs are susceptible to various illnesses, especially when bombarded by too many and too frequent airborne exposures. These illnesses are also very easy to spread, which can render anyone vulnerable. Respiratory problems are the last thing we want but is always the first thing to welcome us at the turn of every season.

Keeping the lungs healthy requires a supportive lifestyle. At the most basic, we need a healthy diet, regular exercise, smoke and dust-free living and proper hygiene. If you have chronic respiratory problems, taking lung tonic herbs is a good option. There are a lot of herbs that are beneficial in boosting lung health. You can find these herbs anywhere – from the meadows and pathways to grocery stores.

Our lungs are prone to unavoidable pathogens. Thus, the best herbs to support its functions are those that contain excellent antiviral and antimicrobial properties.


Also called wild marjoram (Origanum vulgare), is a lung-detoxifying herb that helps clear the respiratory tract. Compounds like carvacrol and terpenes are present in oregano and are responsible for cleansing the lungs.

It expels phlegm, mucus, bacteria and irritants from the lungs to cure cough, cold and related illnesses. Oregano is also considered an effective herb for managing asthma.


Menthol, a compound present in mint plants like peppermint (Mentha piperita), is an effective expectorant. Taking peppermint tincture or inhaling its steam can loosen up even the dried mucus in the lungs. It is also an antispasmodic plant that relaxes the bronchial muscles.


(Pulmonaria officinalis) is called such because its leaves resemble the lungs. It is also a traditional herb that herbalists use in treating lung disorders. It can cure bronchitis, pneumonitis, pulmonary fibrosis, tuberculosis and many other respiratory diseases. Lungwort is also efficient in removing tar that builds up in the lungs of smokers.


Burning the leaves of great mullein (Verbascum thapsus) brings relief to nasal congestion. This bitter and astringent herb can cure a wide range of diseases and support lung health. Mullein is also an effective immune-boosting plant to help the body fight the infection that attacks the respiratory system.

Nicole’s Apothecary has a potent tincture for lung health that contains both Lungwort Lichen and Mullein. You can find it here.


The root of the marshmallow plant (Althaea officinalis) is a good remedy for whooping cough, pleurisy and asthma. This mucilaginous herb coats the airways to reduce the soreness and spasms of the bronchial tract. It clears out and loosens the mucous while preventing bacterial growth and alleviating throat irritation.


(Plantago major) is a soothing herb that can be prepared as a healing lung tincture. It is an effective expectorant that aids in the treatment of cough and lung inflammation. Plantain is best for chronic bronchitis and asthma. It is also great in relieving symptoms of a cold.


It is easy to source and you can get most of its benefits from food and drinks. Ginger can also be made into oil and tincture. This is a good way to extract its healing properties and make it more effective. A tincture of ginger helps relieve respiratory problems as well as allergies and hay fever.

White horehound:

(Marrubium vulgare) is one of the effective herbs against respiratory diseases. It is often used for treating cough, chest congestion, lung inflammation and related problems. This bitter and astringent herb can be taken as tea, infusion or tincture to bring immediate relief against breathing problems.


(Thymus vulgaris) is one of the common kitchen spices that can be used as a remedy for respiratory disorders. Its tincture is best for alleviating coryza, whooping cough, laryngitis, asthma and bronchitis. Thyme possesses an excellent antimicrobial property that helps inhibit the growth of bacteria and treat pneumonia.


Inula helenium, or Elecampane, is a bitter and acrid herb considered one of the best herbal remedies for lung problems. Elecampane tincture has a warming effect on the lungs that relieves cough and expels phlegm. It is highly valued in Ayurvedic and Traditional Chinese Medicine for its effectiveness in treating many respiratory conditions.

Get a simple tincture for healthy lungs here



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