Energy healing and biofield therapies


Written by: Dr Catherine Clinton (Quantum Biology Health Educator)

Research with energy healing found that energy healing produced complete remission of tumors in mice with cancer. Even when treated by skeptics who did not believe in energy healing, an 83% remission was seen.

The control group of mice that did not receive energy healing all died of cancer within 27 days. The Bengston Healing Method was used, similar to laying on of hands.

Bill Bengston spearheaded research into energy healing and cancer using mice as the model. Not only did his research find stunning results of healing, but they showed that belief wasn't necessary both on the part of the healer nor the mice.

We are networks of liquid crystal matrix. Our tissues, cells, fascia and DNA are liquid crystal in nature and are surrounded by liquid crystalline water. Many believe, myself included, it is this that acts as a receiver for electromagnetic and quantum energy.

Other research found that electromagnetic recordings of energy healing effects gene expression in breast cancer cells in petri dishes.

Dr. Bill Bengston and team recorded the electromagnetic waves of energy healers practicing an energy healing session.

These recordings took place in an electromagnetically shielded room to avoid interference. These recordings were played to breast cancer cells in petri dishes. They found the cells changed genetic expression in some of the genes they had. They looked at 84 genes involved with cancer expression and 84 genes involved with immune system and cancer crosstalk. Of the 167 genes investigated, 68 displayed significant changes in expression.

We know that our cells communicate with electromagnetic frequency as well as chemicals. Yet, we continue to focus solely on a chemical mechanical model of health.

This article is not meant to discourage anyone from pursuing treatment for cancer, in fact, it's not medical advice at all. This article is meant to empower us with the knowledge that we are much more powerful than we give ourselves credit for.



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