Spring Has sprung


Some details, (courtesy to Spring Forest Qigong for some of the information supplied here)

According to traditional Chinese medicine, when spring energy is getting stronger and stronger, the liver energy becomes more prominent too. Under the Five Element Theory, the color of the liver is green, just like springtime.

As the vibrant energy of spring emerges, so does the vitality of your liver. Your liver plays a huge role in detoxification, and we pay attention to this during this time of renewal in Nature. A strong liver can effectively eliminate toxins and purify the body, paving the way for a revitalized state of being. On the flip side, if the liver’s energy is compromised then detoxification may falter, leading to a host of health challenges.

Incorporating practices to support liver health during springtime is essential for harnessing the season's rejuvenating energy. From dietary adjustments to lifestyle changes and mindful practices, there are various ways to enhance liver function and promote overall well-being. A lot of coughing during spring may be an indication of a weak liver. Allergies are also common for some and this may mean that the stomach channel is out of balance.

A few helpful tips to help your liver energy in early spring:
  1. Drink lots of water to help your liver detoxify. ( maybe add a splash of lemon juice and a pinch of salt for added minerals)

  2. Be active and get outside: The energy of spring is an amazing time to get outside where the physical activity plays a pivotal role in revitalizing the energy of the liver. Find activities that resonate with you and get your body into motion, whether it’s walking, dancing, running, qigong or outdoor yoga, gardening, biking or exploring nature trails. Venturing outdoors will add a double dose of revitalization. Just as exercise ignites your energy, breathing in the fresh spring air helps to stimulate circulation and promote a sense of vitality. Basking in the warmth of the sun and breathing in the green of the trees can work wonders for your wellbeing. Choosing healthy fresh foods, like leafy greens and bitter lettuces will also support the liver and stomach. By aligning your diet with the energy of spring, you'll nourish your body and sustain your newfound zest for life.

  3. Nourish your body with green vitality: Eat light& Eat green. In spring, the focus shifts to eating light and embracing the vibrant hues of fresh, green produce—a nourishing feast for both body and soul. This is a time to lighten our meals and indulge in foods that complement the liver's inherent strength, rather than burdening it with heavy or overly stimulating fare. Green, leafy vegetables take center stage on our plates, offering a bounty of nutrients and vitalizing energy. Incorporate an abundance of broccoli, spinach, kale, bok choy, asparagus, sprouts, and chives into your meals, allowing their vibrant colors and flavors to infuse your culinary creations, is the best energy for your body during early spring. These nutrient-rich greens not only support the liver's detoxification processes but also provide a wealth of antioxidants and essential vitamins to fortify your overall health. By prioritizing fresh, green vegetables in your springtime diet, you'll nourish your body with the pure essence of vitality. Embrace the season's abundance and savor the crisp, refreshing flavors of nature's bounty, knowing that each bite is a celebration of health and well-being.

  4. Honor Kidney Energy with root vegetables: Your kidney energy should still be strong and will subside as we move further into spring and the live energy becomes dominant. During the delicate dance of the seasons, it is also important to honor the balance of energies within our bodies. Whilst spring signals the awakening of the liver’s energy, the vitality of the kidneys remain anchoring us with their deep reserves of strength. Adding root vegetables in your spring diet adds variety and flavor and nurtures the enduring power of kidney energy. Root vegetables, such as potatoes, sweet potatoes, turnips, and carrots, serve as grounding allies, providing a stable foundation for the body's energy systems. By including these hearty staples alongside your green vegetables, you create a harmonious balance that supports both the liver and kidney energies. As the liver's influence gradually asserts itself in the weeks ahead, the presence of root vegetables serves as a gentle reminder of the interconnectedness of our internal energies. By nourishing both the liver and kidney meridians, you cultivate a state of equilibrium that promotes overall health and vitality, allowing you to thrive amidst the seasonal shifts. So as you embrace the freshness of spring, remember to honor the resilience of your body's inner ecosystem by savoring the wholesome goodness of both green and root vegetables, ensuring a holistic approach to nourishment and well-being.

  5. Mindful consumption of Red meat, chicken and fish: I recommend free range chicken, wild caught fish and 100% grass fed meats. There is some schools of thought that fish are not as active in winter and therefore have more acidic energy that has built up, which is not good for our bodies, so eating less fish during the early months of spring might be advisable. Wait until they have had some time to flush the acidity from their systems. (summer) By limiting intake until the warmer months, you allow fish and seafood to shed their accumulated acidity, ensuring a more harmonious interaction with your body's energy systems. In Spring, eat more vegetables and less animal protein. By embracing a plant-centric diet in spring, you not only support the liver's inherent strength but also promote overall balance and well-being. While protein-rich foods like fish, poultry, and red meat play a role in winter's nourishment, their prominence diminishes as spring unfolds.

  6. Limit consumption of sugar and spice: This over-activates the liver energy and depletes it much faster. Spicey food is good to activate lung energy but try not to overdo it at this time as it may result in you not having enough liver energy come summertime, which is not helpful to the heart. Moderation is key—enjoy the occasional spicy dish to awaken the senses but refrain from overindulging to maintain a harmonious balance within the body. Sugar quickly depletes the liver energy when consumed in excess, leaving you feeling fatigued and drained. Get your sugar fix from fruits and a touch of honey and preserve the liver vitality without overwhelming it.

  7. Avoid overeating foods that are heavy, greasy, spicy, fried or deep fried: All these can make you sluggish and slow your digestion, both of which are a major drain on your body’s energy at a time when your energy wants to be alive and active. In spring, our bodies naturally crave more nourishment to fuel the increased energy expenditure brought on by outdoor activities and the revitalizing essence of the season. However, it's essential to heed the body's signals and avoid overeating, which can lead to feelings of anxiety and discomfort, disrupting our inner harmony. Keeping our stomachs approximately 20% empty by stopping eating before we feel full allows us to honor our body's needs without overwhelming its delicate energy systems.

In spring, our bodies naturally crave more nourishment to fuel the increased energy expenditure brought on by outdoor activities and the revitalizing essence of the season. However, it's essential to heed the body's signals and avoid overeating, which can lead to feelings of anxiety and discomfort, disrupting our inner harmony. Keeping our stomachs approximately 20% empty by stopping eating before we feel full allows us to honor our body's needs without overwhelming its delicate energy systems.

By embracing a diet that is both green and light, we nourish our bodies with the vitality of spring while fostering a sense of balance and harmony within. Strengthening the liver energy is beneficial, but it's equally important not to overexert ourselves. True harmony lies in finding the delicate balance between nurturing our energies and avoiding excess, ensuring that we are primed to embrace the full abundance of summer's fiery energy when it arrives.

In essence, staying in harmony with the changing seasons is about cultivating balance—listening to our bodies, honoring their needs, and nurturing a sense of equilibrium that sustains us on our journey toward vibrant health and well-being.

Liver Hacks: For those who find that their liver may not be vibrant and ready for this season:
  1. Castor Oil Packs: You can easily purchase some liver packs online. Using some organic castor oil on the pack, place them over the liver for a minimum of 2 hours to help stimulate better liver function. Do this 2-3 times a week.

  2. Coffee enemas: I bought my enema kit at a pharmacy and use organic coffee. Once a week will help stimulate bile flow and support live function

  3. Essential Oils: Rosemary, Mandarin Orange, geranium. Place a few drops over the liver area. I suggest using a little bit of fractionated coconut oil to mix with it if you feel you may be sensitive, or plain coconut or even olive oil. (organic) However using it neat on the skin is optimal.

  4. Food: Bitter lettuces like arugula, mustard greens, kale and dandelion are also great for the liver. Dandelion tea will also support the stomach.



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