emotional detox


 I have gathered information from a few sources for Emotional detoxification and the various organs and systems in the body.

I personally love Louise Hay… "How to heal your life" book.

Here is a list for you to refer to from the book and a few other resources.


Here are some emotional sources of disease:

  • Accidents - Expressions of anger, frustration, rebellion.

  • Anorexia/Bulimia - Self-hate, denial of life nourishment, "not good enough."

  • Ankles - can be related to trust issues or stability.

  • Arms - Ability to embrace, old emotions held in joints.

  • Arthritis - Pattern of critism of self and others, perfectionism.

  • Asthma - Smother-love, guilt-complex, inferiority complex.

  • Back/Upper - Not feeling supported emotionally, needing support. Back/Middle - Guilt. Back/Lower - Burnout, worry about money.

  • Breast - Mothering, over-mothering a person/thing/place/experience. Nurturing or lack thereof

  • Breast Cancer - Deep resentment attached to over-mothering.....can also be feeling associated with lack of nurturing.

  • Burns, Boils, Fevers, Itis, Sores, Swellings - Anger.

  • Cancer - Deep resentment, distrust, self-pity, hopelessness, helplessness.

  • Colon - Constipation is inability to let go, diarrhea is fear of holding.

  • Constipation - Lack of trust of having enough, hoarding.

  • Ears - Too hard to accept what is said.  Earaches - Anger.

  • Deafness - Refusal to listen.

  • Feet - Self-understanding, moving forward.

  • Fingers/Index - Ego, anger and fear. Fingers/Thumb - Worry. Fingers/Middle - Anger.  Right - A man.  Left - A woman.  Hold with other hand to release. Fingers/Ring - Unions and grief. Finger/Little - Family and pretending.

  • Genitals - Femininity or masculinity issues, rejecting sexuality, "sex is dirty", "women's bodies are unclean". Bladder Infections - Being pissed off, holding in hurts. Vaginitis - romantically hurt by a partner. Prostate - Self-worth and sexual prowess. Impotence - Fear or spite against mate. Frigidity - Fear, sexual guilt, self-disgust. PMS - Denial of female cycles or female worth. VD - Sexual guilt.

  • Hands - Holding on too tightly to money or relationships. Hands/Arthritis - Self-criticism, internalizing criticism, criticizing others.

  • Head - Us, what we show the world, something radically wrong.

  • Headaches - Invalidating the self.

  • Heart - Heart is love and blood is joy.  Heart attacks are a denial and squeezing out of love and joy.

  • Knees - Inflexibility, unable to bend, pride, ego, stubborness, fear of change, self-righteousness.

  • Legs - Fear or reluctance of moving forward, not wanting to move.  Vericose Veins - Standing where we hate.

  • Lungs - Inability to take in and give our life, denial of life.  Emphysema or too much smoking - denial of life, inferiority.

  • Migraines - Anger and perfectionism, frustration.  Masturbate to stop.

  • Neck - Flexibility issues.

  • Overweight - Needing protection, insecurity.

  • Pain - Guilt seeking punishment, notice where it manifests.

  • Sinus - Irritated by someone.

  • Skin - Threatened individuality, others have power over you.  Thin-skinned, feeling skinned alive, need self-nurturing.

  • Stiffness - Stiff Body - Stiff mind, inflexibility, fear, "only one way", resistance to change.  Where it manifests is where the pattern is.

  • Stomach - Inability to digest ideas and experiences.  Who or what can you stomach?  Fear.

  • Strokes - Negative thinking, stopping of joy, forcing change of direction.

  • Swelling - Stagnated thinking, bottled-up tears, feeling trapped.

  • Throat - Fear of change, inability to speak up, anger, frustrated creativity.  Laryngitis - too angry to speak.  Sore throat - Anger.  Tonsillitis or Thyroid - Stifled creativity, deeply stifled creativity in leukemia.

  • Tumors - False growth, tormenting an old hurt, not allowing healing.  Uterine tumors - nursing slights to femininity, misogyny.

  • Ulcers - Fear, not being good enough, lack of self-worth.



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