the liver and its role in detoxification and digestion.


The liver is the blood purifier, the filter for the body and is very important in digestion and detoxification.  

Healthy liver detoxification pathways 

Metabolic detoxification is a way to normalize the body’s metabolization of xenobiotic and endogenous compounds, while temporarily reducing incoming toxic burden.

Step 1: Toxins that are fat soluble are transported from the intestine to the liver. These can include metabolic end products, chemical pollutants and contaminants, microorganisms, food additives, drugs and medications, and alcohol.

Step 2: In the liver, toxins undergo Phase 1 detoxification to neutralize certain toxins. Phase 1, called “functionalization,” involves the release of enzymes by the liver that break down xenobiotics and produce harmful free-radicals.

Step 3: The remainder of the un- neutralized toxins moves into Phase 2 detoxification, which transforms them into water-soluble compounds. By the process of conjugation, large molecules join together with modified xenobiotics to produce harmless water-soluble substances.

Step 4: Newly transformed toxins are then transported to either the kidneys, where they are excreted in the urine; or to the gallbladder, where they are eventually excreted via the feces in Phase 3 of detoxification. Phase 3 relies on the pH scale (acid-to-alkaline ratio). The proper pH level is more alkaline than acid (pH at 7 or above).

Unhealthy liver detoxification pathways   

In an unhealthy liver, toxins cannot be detoxified at the rate they are brought to the liver. Phase 1 occurs too quickly for conversion to Phase 2. In this case, toxins build up and recirculate in the blood, contributing to long-term poor health. These un-neutralized, fat-soluble toxins can be stored in body tissues such as fat, the brain, and the nervous system, causing systemic symptoms.

There are many different ways to up regulate liver function as well as some liver cleanses. We are familiar and have tried several of these methods and offer valuable guidance. Please do not hesitate to contact us for more information.

 Vegetables and herbs that support liver function:  

Milk thistle


Beets and beet greens Himalayan Liver care



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