seven quick fixes to feeling better


Written by: Medscape Staff

When we listen to our bodies, we can use simple and natural remedies to prevent poor health from starting.

The signals our bodies use to tell us we need to cleanse ourselves physically, mentally, and emotionally are multifaceted and often mirror symptoms we associate with illness. If we heed these signs, we feel better quickly and stave off poor health before it can start. These quick fixes for common ailments can get you started.

  1. Applying pressure to the acupressure point between the thumb and forefinger can release blockages that cause pain, tension, and fatigue. You can relieve a headache naturally by squeezing for 20 seconds and releasing for 10 seconds, without letting go, four times.

  2. To breathe freely, irrigate your nasal passages with a neti pot and warm distilled or sterile salt water. As you clear and soothe the sinuses, congestion associated with allergies or infection will gradually disappear.

  3. Apple cider vinegar is a powerful purifying and detoxifying agent. Soaking for 20 minutes in a warm bath infused with two cups of apple cider vinegar pulls toxins from the body and can clear blocked energy.

  4. The foods you eat can profoundly impact your outlook and mood. Eating a small yet satisfying meal rich in complex carbohydrates can lift your spirit and help you let go of feelings of anger, irritability, and depression.

  5. Anxiety and fear dissipate quickly when countered with conscious breathing because concentrating on the breath enables you to refocus your attention inward. You can ground yourself and regain your usual calm by taking a series of deep belly breaths as you visualize your feet growing roots that stretch miles down into the Earth.

  6. Though tuning out can seem counterproductive, a few minutes spent in daydreams or listening to soothing music can help you see your circumstances from a new angle when you feel frustrated.

  7. If you feel ill, brew a wellness elixir. Simmer three sliced lemons, one teaspoon of freshly grated ginger, one clove of freshly minced garlic, and one-quarter teaspoon of cayenne pepper in five cups of water until the lemons are soft and pale. Strain a portion into a mug and add honey by tablespoons until you can tolerate the taste. Drinking this potent mixture of antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal ingredients three times daily can slow your symptoms and even prevent you from developing a full-blown illness.



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