10 tips for staying hydrated


The Nutrition Information Center at the New York Hospital, Cornell Medical Center, offers the following tips for maintaining proper Hydration. 

  1. Follow conventional wisdom—drink at least 8 ounces of water per day. The more time you spend outside, the more water you need to replenish lost fluids.

  2. Be sure to drink water before you are thirsty. By the time you feel thirsty, you have already lost two or more cups of your total body water (this is important as body water protects the integrity of your cells and aids in proper detoxification).

  3. Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Convenience is a must, so carry a bottle of water with you in all of your activities.

  4. DO NOT SUBSTITUTE caffeinated coffees, teas, and sodas for water. Caffeine acts as a diuretic, causing you to lose water through increased urination. Alcoholic beverages have a similar effect.

  5. If finding time to drink is a problem, keep a bottle of water on your desk. You can also visit the office water cooler and take water breaks instead of coffee breaks.

  6. Once you start exercising, DON"T stop drinking. Keep a bottle of water with you and take drinks often.

  7. DO NOT underestimate the fluids lost due to perspiration. Following a workout, you need to drink two cups of water for each pound of lost fluid.

  8. Start and end your day with a serving of water. Your body loses water while you sleep, so drink a serving when you awake and before you go to bed.

  9. Do NOT forget that common sicknesses like colds and the flu can frequently lead to dehydration. Keep a large bottle of water next to your bed so you can sip it throughout the day without getting up.

  10. Remember that cold water—not carbonated soft drinks or sports drinks—is the best for staying hydrated when it's warm outside. Cool water is absorbed much more quickly than warm fluids and may have a positive effect on cooling your overheated body.

    Here are ten more helpful and updated tips for staying hydrated:
    1. Carry a Water Bottle: Keep a reusable water bottle with you throughout the day to remind you to drink water regularly.

    2. Set Hydration Goals: Aim for at least 8 glasses of water daily or adjust based on your activity level and environment.

    3. Drink Before You Feel Thirsty: Thirst is often a sign that you're already dehydrated. Drink water consistently throughout the day.

    4. Eat Hydrating Foods: Include water-rich foods like cucumbers, watermelon, oranges, and strawberries in your diet.

    5. Infuse Your Water: To make water more appealing, add fruits, herbs, or a splash of lemon or cucumber.

    6. A recommendation: To help you drive more water into the cells, Add Celtic or Himalayan sea salt (a pinch) to your water and a splash of lemon or lime juice.

    7. Start Your Day with Water: Drink a glass of water first thing in the morning to jumpstart your hydration after sleep.

    8. Use Hydration Apps: Set reminders or use apps that track your water intake and send notifications to drink water.

    9. Drink Water Before and After Exercise: Stay hydrated before, during, and after physical activity to replace fluids lost through sweat.

    10. Monitor Urine Color: A light, pale yellow color indicates that you're properly hydrated, while darker urine may signal dehydration.

    Staying hydrated is essential for energy, mental clarity, and overall well-being!

    Health Disclaimer:

    The information provided is for educational and informational purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice. Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional before starting any new health regimen, treatment, or using essential oils, supplements, or other therapies mentioned. The content is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any medical condition. Results may vary, and what works for one individual may not work for another. Use any information provided here at your own risk.                                               



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