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From nutritional guidance rooted in the latest research to practical tips on gut health and overall well-being, each post is packed with information to empower your wellness journey.

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Home Remedies Emily Neubauer Home Remedies Emily Neubauer

Ear infection: traditional remedies

Ear infections, while common, are not "normal." Healthy children should not get them. Historically, in healthy societies, they were very unusual. 99.9% of ear infections can be corrected by the parents at home. If you cannot get at least a 50% improvement in the child's condition within 6-24 hours, see a knowledgeable practitioner (DC, ND, DO, or MD). Like any other infection, an ear infection indicates something is amiss with the child's diet, lifestyle, and/or physical body. The cause must be corrected for the cure to be permanent.

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Home Remedies Emily Neubauer Home Remedies Emily Neubauer

Throat/ sore, scratchy throat

Sinuses are air-filled cavities located in the bones of the face and skull, primarily around the nose and eyes. These cavities are lined with a thin layer of mucus that helps trap and remove bacteria, dust, and other particles from our air. The sinuses also regulate air pressure, humidify inhaled air, and enhance voice resonance. There are four main pairs of sinuses:

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Home Remedies Emily Neubauer Home Remedies Emily Neubauer

The art of giving an enema

Coffee used in this manner (enemas) affects the body differently than if ingested orally, as it does not go through the normal digestion process. It is beneficial because it helps the liver to throw off toxins.

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Health & Wellness Emily Neubauer Health & Wellness Emily Neubauer

Magnesium 101 — A Comprehensive Guide to Its Health Benefits

Dubbed “the MVP of minerals,” magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral in the human body (after calcium, potassium, and sodium) and is involved in 80% of metabolic functions. This macronutrient is needed for biological processes such as muscle contraction, maintaining the heartbeat, creating energy, and activating nerves to send and receive messages.

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Health & Wellness Emily Neubauer Health & Wellness Emily Neubauer

Supporting Liver Function With Nutrition

In the modern world, everyone is exposed to a mixture of chemical compounds daily, as well as many foods and nutrients that can upregulate the body’s natural processes of eliminating those toxicants. An overloaded detoxification pathway may lead to clinical patterns such as immune dysfunction or endocrine disruption. Food and nutrients that support liver biotransformation may help alleviate toxic burden and allow the body’s pathways to operate more efficiently.1,2

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Understanding the Energy Enhancement System (EES): A Breakthrough in Holistic Wellness

In alternative health and wellness, groundbreaking technology is gaining traction for its reported ability to optimize physical, mental, and emotional well-being—the Energy Enhancement System (EES). This system is at the forefront of a growing movement toward energy-based therapies that harness electromagnetic fields to promote healing and vitality.

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Health & Wellness Emily Neubauer Health & Wellness Emily Neubauer

Parkinson’s originates in the gut

Parkinson’s Disease is very complex, and we are far from understanding all of its complexities or its ultimate causes. What we do know is that the gut is intrinsically involved and that monitoring possible gut dysbiosis seems to make a difference in predicting and possibly preventing Parkinson’s Disease. The evidence for the gut origin hypothesis for Parkinson’s also seems compelling.

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Health & Wellness Emily Neubauer Health & Wellness Emily Neubauer

Top Alternatives to RoundUp and Glyphosate for Your Garden

Well, glyphosate is classified as a probable human carcinogen (capable of causing cancer) by the World Health Organization. It has a notable, not hypothetical, connection to cancer—specifically to Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma. And if that wasn’t enough of a claim to fame, glyphosate has also been linked to a multitude of other health problems, including liver and kidney damage. Quite a costly trade-off to kill weeds.

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Health & Wellness Emily Neubauer Health & Wellness Emily Neubauer

the many healthful uses of Castor Oil Packs

Castor Oil is derived from the castor bean. At one time, it was common practice to take castor oil orally to alleviate constipation. However, the oil is now believed to be toxic if taken internally. Externally, however, castor oil has a bounty of healthful uses. Edgar Cayce developed what is referred to as a ‘castor oil pack’, which enhances circulation and elimination, much like acupuncture, and promotes the healing of tissues and organs.

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